To facilite the organising and the recording of MDT meetings, the French Department of Healthcare has created a standard MDT meeting form and has set up a secure national website in order to document decisions. This database will bring together all the MDT meeting forms and will allow healthcare professionals to access the medical information of their patients, regardless of where they continue their treatment. All the data are centralised and computerised according to a procedure approved by the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) which guarantees confidentiality.
Organising the MDT meetings is a committment of CRIOAc, and is one of their missions.
A MDT meeting must include at least one practitioner representing Orthopaedic Surgery, one practitioner representing Infectiology and one practitioner representing Microbiology.
Each MDT meeting form will necessarily have to characterise the complexity of the BJI, to propose the medical-surgical strategy to be implemented and a hospital able to offer the necessary care.
The minutes of the MDT meeting are sent to the various professionals caring for the patient, as well as the patient’s GP in order to ensure good coordination between everyone involved and thus ensure the continuity of care.