It is not easy to find a time-slot that suits all the different specialists, who are busy practicing in different buildings of the same hospital, or who work in a hospital across town.
Since 2011, the number of MDT meetings held at CRIOAc Lyon has increased, and themes have been diversified.
Currently, 5 to 7 MDT meetings are held per week at CRIOAc Lyon, which facilitates the presentation of cases, decision-making and fluidity of care. Since December 2015, MDT meetings have been held through video conference, so that cases at regional hospitals can be discussed. Advice can be given to the practitioners taking care of the patients about disease management, if it is not a complex BJI .

Number of cases presented during MDT meetings at CRIOAc de Lyon
CRIOAc Lyon is the first CRIOAc to have implemented a video conference system (effective since 23/11/2015). Participants can see each other during the meeting and files can be shared. This video conference system is supported by the Regional Health Authority (ARS) (regional development funds were received in 2015, 2016 and 2017). Since January 2016, 456 patient cases were discussed over 151 MDT meetings.
The following regional hospitals participated :
- Alpes-Léman Hospital
- Giens Hospital (HCL)
- Valence Hospital
- Vienne Hospital
- Roanne Hospital
- Hauteville Hospital
- Annecy Hospital
- Villefranche-sur-Saône Hospital
- Annonay Hospital
- Ajaccio Hospital
- Chambéry Hospital
- Bourg-en-Bresse Hospital
- Châlon-sur-Saône Hospital
- Mâcon Hospital
- Ambérieu Hospital
- Beaujolais Polyclinic(69)
- Lyon : Saint-Luc Saint-Joseph Hospital, Clinic of the Park, Protestant Clinic, Desgenettes Hospital, MIIT
- Grenoble Hospital, Annemasse Clinic

Map showing regional hospitals participating in video conference MDT meetings and number of cases presented over a 2 year period.
Collegial decision-making is made possible during video conference MDT meetings, such as :
- Continuation of care in a general hospital or transfer to CRIOAc
- Sharing of surgical management
- Scheduling of surgery at CRIOAc Lyon
- Ensuring adequate relay of care between different medical sites
- Validation of off-label antibiotics

Participants of the video conference MDT meeting can be seen and the clinical history of the patient can be shared on the different screens