Denosumab related osteonecrosis of the jaw: an emergent and potentially complex bone and joint infection bricca Rvalour Fconrad Abraun Ejaby Pbachelet Tbreton Pgleizal Alaurent Fchidiac CFerry TLyon BJI Study Group
Comparison of tolerance and microbiological efficacy of cefepim and piperacillin/tazobactam in combination with vancomycin as empirical antimicrobial therapy of prosthetic joint infection: a propensity-matched cohort study Triffault-Fillit Cmabrut Ecorbin Kbecker Abraun Etod Mgoutelle Sfessy Mdupieux Claurent Flustig Schidiac CFerry TLyon BJI Study Group
Purified personalized bacteriophages as part of salvage therapy in patients with complex BJI: A 2-year experience in a reference center in France Ferry TKolenda Cleboucher Gbatailler Cfevre Clustig Slaurent FLyon BJI Study Group
Impact on the gut microbiota of the prolonged antimicrobial therapy in patients with bone and joint infection (BJI): results from the OSIRIS prospective study in France levast Bbatailler Cboucihna LLe CAMUS Clustig Spouderoux CBOUTOILLE Ddacuhy FAzeller VSenneville EMaynardN CMmialon Alaurent FFerry TLyon BJI Study Group