Microbiological epidemiology in patients experiencing microbiological or clinical failure following reimplantation after a 2-stage exchange strategy for hip or knee prosthetic joint infection (PJI) Ferry Tserrier Hlaurent Fmabrut Efessy Mchidiac Chuot Llustig Svalour FLyon BJI Study Group
Pressure ulcer-related pelvic osteomyelitis : Evaluation of a two-stage surgical strategy (debridement, negative pressure therapy and flap coverage) with prolonged antimicrobial therapy Ferry Tboucher Fchateau Jshipkov Hdaoud Fbraun ETriffault-Fillit Cperpoint Tlaurent Fmojallal AAchidiac Cvalour FLyon BJI Study Group
Microbiological epidemiology depending on time to occurrence of prosthetic joint infection (PJI) : impact on the empirical antimicrobial strategies Triffault-Fillit CFerry Tlaurent Fdupieux Clustig Sfessy Mchidiac Cvalour FLyon BJI Study Group
Pubic osteomyelitis (PO) : Epidemiology and factors associated with management failure in two French Reference Centers becker Avalour Fboussel Lruffion Alaurent FSenneville Echidiac CFerry T
Corynebacterium bone and joint infection (BJI): A retrospective cohort from a BJI reference center chauvelot PFerry TTriffault-Fillit Cbraun Elustig Sfessy Mlaurent Fchidiac C
Subcutaneous Suppressive Antibiotic Therapy for Bone and Joints Infections: Safety and Outcome in a Cohort of 10 Patients Ferry Tpouderoux Cgoutelle Slustig STriffault-Fillit Cdaoud Ffessy MCohen Slaurent Fchidiac Cvalour FLyon BJI Study Group